Looking for real couples
 who can dance.



Casting call yeilds loads of bad dancers

It was not easy to cast a couple that was both believable in partnership and as dancers. Until we found these two. And thank goodness, because I’m not sure I could do one more day of casting. It’s unreal how many people say they can dance.

We’ve all been there — not feeling 100% and trying to get to sleep. You toss, you turn. You think your right shoulder will be better, so you roll over. And again to your left. Then you cough. And sneeze. And then your alarm blares without catching a single z.

If only there was a liquid lullaby from the Sandman himself that could help you get the quality sleep you crave and feel better at the same time.

Creative Director, Art Director @ GREY New York

Concept + Storytelling + Creative Direction + Art Direction + TV + Online

A B O U T   >

Burke Lauderdale is a freelance Creative Director, Art Director who believes that without grit there are no pearls.

He hangs his hat in Austin, Texas and works anywhere planes fly.

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