Golf is life
disguised as a game.



Working through the bad breaks

Ah, Mizuno golf, the name that has you thinking of elite golfers striding down lush fairways on their way to tap in for another major championship.

But now, they’ve made a welcomed pivot for folks like you and me, much more average golfers, with game improvement irons from what was previously known as an elite only manufacturer.

It’s almost as if they realized that golf isn’t just about smashing it as far as you can and getting the little white ball in the hole hundreds of yards away.

It’s about being with friends. Meeting new ones. And overcoming challenges on the course together.

And it’s a beautiful metaphor for life.

To understand more about what people were facing, we asked them. Of over 12,000 responses, we chose a dozen completely average golfers to sponsor and treat like pros. 

Whether you’re on the course because you believe it’s the one place that doesn’t judge your wobbly gait (like Jeremy, and his story will have you bawling), or you’re seeking solitude after years of service, or maybe you’re battling back against scoliosis one swing at a time — golf welcomes all.

It’s more than a game. It’s a mirror reflecting the ups and downs of our existence. As we navigate the tall reeds, endless sandy bunkers and try to keep it between the white stakes, we are forced to work through the BS life throws at us.

Through each hook, slice, and carded hole, we emerge through to the other side, with a hint of laughter and love for the game that we didn’t have before. Meet Jeremy, Tony and Stacy, all overcoming great obstacles through the game of golf and we couldn’t be more proud to sponsor them.

Asscoiate Creative Director, Art Director @ McKinney

Concept + Storytelling + Creative Direction + Art Direction + Experiential

What are you up against?

It’s a question that life often asks, throwing us into the rough, testing our mettle, and challenging our resolve.

But here’s the beauty of it: the golf course, that patchwork of greens, fairways, and sand traps, treats everyone the same. It doesn’t care if you're a pro or a novice; it doesn’t discriminate based on your past or your challenges. Just like life, it hands out its fair share of bad breaks, missed putts, and those frustrating moments when the ball decides to go bye-bye-see-ya-never.

Yet, out on the course, with its unending hazards and tall grass with unpredictable winds and uneven lies, that we learn some of life's most profound lessons.

We persevere, we adapt, and with each swing, we become stronger. One hole at a time.

A B O U T   >

Burke Lauderdale is a freelance Creative Director, Art Director who believes that without grit there are no pearls.

He hangs his hat in Austin, Texas and works anywhere planes fly.

C O N T A C T   >

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