get Shakey a Modelo.



Put your listening ears on

Some of the most moving music has been found in some of the most unlikely places. Take Muscle Shoals for example. Or Shakey Graves.

He’s not your run-of-the-mill, strum-the-guitar, beat-the-drums kind of musician. He’s a guy who’s out there crafting his unique symphony from items most of us wouldn’t give a second glance. Like an old suitcase he converted to a kickdrum and stuffed with a sweater from a trip to Glasgow.

He’s making music that will have your ears doing a double take.

And like Shakey, Sennheiser creates their sound from the ground up, so you can listen with unparalleled detail discovering hidden nuances that will surprise you. Like, knowing there’s the sweater I mentioned in his kickdrum.

Matching his unique sound, we invited him to one of the most unique places in Austin and perhaps the United States. Or maybe even the world? Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it.

The Cathedral of Junk in Austin is a mishmash of weird and wonderful, where discarded treasures and long forgotten relics transport you back in time as they take center stage on their second chance at life.

Listen to the wind as the dangling plates of The Cathedral crash into one another, appreciate the deep sound of the bass strings Shakey uses on his electric guitar at a depth you’ve never heard thanks to the uncompromising quest to hear more than ever before with Sennheiser. 

And know that Shakey will ask you for a Modelo to help smooth out his voice after a late gig the night before.

Group Creative Director, Art Director @ Shrimp & Grits (Owner)

Concept + Storytelling + Creative Direction + Art Direction + Edit + Finishing

Encore: Hearing more

Drenched in sunlight filtering through the hodgepodge of discarded treasures, Shakey Graves played his spellbinding rendition of “Unlucky Skin.”

His unmistakable sound and haunting lyrics are as unique as the eclectic surroundings.

Both magical.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral of Junk is a labor of love created by Vince in his backyard.

If you’re planning to go, please tell Vince I sent you and that I said hello. He likes to know you’re coming before showing up. And I couldn’t think of a better place to feature this project.

It’s impossible to describe Vince’s creation other than to say it’s filled with so much nostalgia you may accidentally write a check and date it 1994 after leaving.


Why it sounds so freaking awesome

When it comes to Sennheiser and in-ear headphones, or anything audio related, you’re stepping into a world where the pursuit of audio excellence is an artform.

They craft every component in-house. Can you think of anyone else who does that? No? Because there isn’t another one.

From their intricate drivers to the case that houses them, Sennheiser spares no effort insuring that every piece of the audio puzzle is in place. 

This attention to detail plays at another level when they’re able to take you to a soundscape you’ve never heard before. The highs are as crisp as potato chips, the mids are as expressive as a five-year old and the bass is as deep as the Mariana Trench.

Whether it’s the soft whisper of an artists voice or the tap of a guitar pedal you’ve never heard before — hearing more is always the difference when it comes to Sennheiser.

The Shakey sound

Shakey Graves is known for his improvisational style. Part of his charm is his ability to adapt his setup to create a raw and organic sound, much like you’ve seen already.

He uses Sennheiser microphones to capture his vocals and instruments. And he uses dynamic microphones for live performances.


A B O U T   >

Burke Lauderdale is a freelance Creative Director, Art Director who believes that without grit there are no pearls.

He hangs his hat in Austin, Texas and works anywhere planes fly.

C O N T A C T   >

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